Census 2023: #iamngatihine

You may have noticed some larger than life Ngāti Hine characters showing up on billboards and social media posts all over the motu!

Ngāti Hine Health Trust have produced a marketing campaign to encourage ngā uri a Hineamaru to participate in this years Census.

By completing the census, it will help provide a better picture of what you, your whānau and hāpori need.

By knowing these needs, government agencies, councils, iwi, community groups and businesses can plan how to respond to  them.

So, the better the picture - the better outcomes for our communities.

In 2018, there were 9385 whānau that identified as Ngati Hine. We know that number is a lot higher, so we're encouraging whānau to participate in the Census - and for nga uri a Hineamaru - to add "Ngāti Hine" as your iwi (along with your other iwi: and, and whānau!).  

If you do not have what you need to take part, you do not need to wait for the Census crowd. You can get an access code sent to you by SMS text message. If you have any questions, please call 0800 CENSUS (0800 236 787).
