We offer a range of early learning education services dedicated to helping our tamariki between the ages of 0 and 5, to thrive. These services are available in the Whangārei and mid-North region.
Early childhood education centre based in Kawakawa and Moerewa.
Helping whānau and tamariki (under 3-years), to engage in early learning.
Providing support for whānau to access early learning education options.
Improving tamariki health (0-5 years) and reducing childhood obesity.
Ko Ngāti Hine e ngunguru nei
Our vision statement gives Ngāti Hine Health Trust the ability to advocate for whānau and community, while being accountable to those we serve.
Me ū ki te Tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te oranga te take
We will holdfast to the values and tikanga that underpin Ngāti Hine as we endeavour to uplift the wellbeing of our whānau, hapū and hāpori.