Corrections Support

We offer two services to support participants and whānau involved in the Corrections process. We help participants reintegrate into society and support their whānau wherever they may need it.

Our services

Paiheretia Te Muka Tangata

This service works with and supports whānau at any stage of the Corrections process.

Te Hokinga Mai Raki (Out of Gate)

This is a reintegration service aimed at assisting participants and their whānau through the transition from prison into the community.

About Ngāti Hine Health Trust

Te Mātiro Angamua

Ko Ngāti Hine e ngunguru nei

Our vision statement gives Ngāti Hine Health Trust the ability to advocate for whānau and community, while being accountable to those we serve.

Te Pūtake

Me ū ki te Tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te oranga te take

We will holdfast to the values and tikanga that underpin Ngāti Hine as we endeavour to uplift the wellbeing of our whānau, hapū and hāpori.

