I recently attended Te Kaumihera o Ngā tauira neehi Māori hui-a-tau, a four-day wānanga hosted by Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Atiawa, Ngāti Tama me Ngāti Koata in Whaktū.
The kaupapa is an excellent opportunity for Māori nurses to cultivate meaningful connections with each other and promote our unique position in achieving health objectives.
The theme, 'Waerea te ara ki te ora' translates to 'Clearing the way toward total health and well-being' served as the plinth of this year's gathering.
My overall experience attending the hui-a-tau was northing short of phenomenal.
It was an immense privilege to share space with countless like-minded tauira from various backgrounds and walks of life who share a collective vision of propelling health initiatives forward and serving our people as they see fit.
We lean on these sorts of kaupapa to ensure we get it right and do right by our whānau me ngā hāpori katoa.
The kaupapa emphasis that, in the hands of compassion, knowledge and cultural understanding, we will step forward as the nurses of tomorrow.
Together, we will embrace the challenges of the future, nurturing hope, healing and better health within our communities.
The road ahead is unknown, but with determination and unity, we stand firm, ready to make a difference as your Māori nurses of the future.
He māta, he whenua, mate ai ngā mokopuna, mate ai te tangata. Tēnei ka mihi ki a Ngāti Hine hauora, e kaha tautoko nei i ahau i tenei haerenga nui, haerenga tino roa rawa atu.