Ko Ngāti Hine e ngunguru nei
Working together to prioritise the health & wellbeing of whānau in Te Taitokerau
For more than 30 years, Ngāti Hine Health Trust has established itself as an exponential leader in the delivery of hauora me te oranga (health and wellbeing) services within Te Tai Tokerau.
We deliver services for whānau across multiple sectors including health, disability support, mental health & addictions, primary care, justice, corrections, housing, education, social services, reo irirangi Māori and Whānau Ora.
Our mission 'me ū ki te tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te oranga te take' ensures we adhere to the values and tīkanga that underpin Ngāti Hine as we endeavour to uplift the wellbeing of our whānau, hapū and hāpori.
Ko Ngāti Hine e ngunguru nei
Our vision statement gives Ngāti Hine Health Trust the ability to advocate for whānau and community, while being accountable to those we serve.
Me ū ki te Tū o Ngāti Hine, ko te oranga te take
We will holdfast to the values and tikanga that underpin Ngāti Hine as we endeavour to uplift the wellbeing of our whānau, hapū and hāpori.